MYOB AccountEdge Connector, Daylite 3.8 and Delivery 1.2 Released

Product Updates / November 18, 2008 / Alykhan Jetha

We have some important releases for you today.

First – The new Daylite MYOB AccountEdge Connector. We’ve been getting requests for this for many many years, but in order to pull it off, we needed some changes in MYOB. Well, happily, the Mac AccountEdge engineering team pulled it off in Version 9 (U.S. version only for now). The connector is sold separately for U.S. $99.99 per seat and offers two time & cost saving efficiencies well worth the money. We are super excited about this connector and many of our customers will be too.

Second – Daylite 3.8. We’ve made some big changes in the reminders area of the application. Mostly for better iCal (Sync Services) integration. We originally thought that we could transform our reminders to the kind iCal supports and back, but that proved to be too difficult to get right, so we changed our reminder system to match theirs. On top of that, you can do cool things like set automatic reminders on incoming delegation or meetings.

Further, in preparation for Daylite Touch, we consolidated task statuses and priorities and added the notion of “inbox” and “someday”. We have a whole bunch of other fixes as well.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to recreate offline databases and sync services will do a reset (or refresh) sync.

Third – Daylite Delivery 1.2. This is a maintenance release of Delivery that works with Daylite 3.8.

That’s it for now. We’ll have more news for you soon.

Until next time…

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